Game release date 8/1/2020

All work is now complete on MGP Manager 2019, it will be available for download tomorrow (8/1/2020).

I am really pleased with the finished game and have enjoyed making & testing it for past 18 months, and I hope that everyone who gets it enjoys playing it.

Thanks to everyone who has messaged me with questions about it and a release date, and thanks for your patience while I did my best to get in finished as quickly as I could.

Enjoy the game...................


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would this be something that can someday turn into a game app for android?

thanks and congratulations!

Hi, thanks for your message, this is something I am considering, maybe later in the year, is this something you would be interested in ?

Yes, and I think it's something that could generate some interest since theres really no competition at least on a motorcycle level.