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Hello man,

I advise you to put an accelerator for the sessions, so as to make them last less.

in case you need a hand to improve the game contact me! I would have a couple of suggestions if you like!

Hi, thanks for your message, this is something I am looking to add, I'm always open to suggestions to improve the game so feel free to let me know.

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YES! This is what I've been waiting for for months. I'd love a feature when we can speed up the quali/race sessions.

thanks for your reply, what changes would you like to see?

Well, uh, maybe the feature to speed up or skip wualis altogether, maybe a tutorial or a help button about everything from engine mode to tyres.

I am in the process of putting together a user guide that will help to explain players understand some game features more clearly, I am also looking into skipping sessions but this isn't as straightforward as you would think so might not be possible

Hi the game keeps crashing when in a session?

Hi, are you using the latest version? Apart from that the only reason this happens is from background programs running such as av, check this and you should be fine

When a rider gets injured, its impossible to finish the race. Everytime the leader crosses the line he gets dropped to last place, this cycle last the whole race and eventually gets stuck on lap 22/23.

Hi, this issue has been resolved please check that you are running the latest version of the game

Hello, I loved the game and the idea, I always thought about this type of game, I liked the pre-season idea, I hope the game was in Brazilian Portuguese.

could you add moto2 and moto3 races as well

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I have thought about this but would be alot of work and I don't know it I have the time to do it

Maybe i am just to stupid but i can not start a new game. I go to the team selection in either free play or career mode and when i click confirm nothing happens. Please help me 

Hi, I cannot understand why this is happening, I have tested and cannot recreate this problem, on clicking confirm after selecting a team you should go to the following screen (attached), the only time I have heard of a similar issue was a player had the screen resolution set too low and the game wasn't displaying correctly, maybe check this 1366x760?

Where can I change it. Should I do this Ingame or in the Windows settings

In windows

Nice game overall. Sometimes it slows down a bit in my laptop. Maybe a new feature where we can skip races. Sometimes it's so boring to wait until the race finished. This will increase the pace of the game so much.

Thanks for your message, now at the end of a race you don't have to wait until all the bikes are back in the pits - ends the race quicker. This update will be available soon

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Really great game! Only problem: after few GPs I find very easy to win races, also with Avintia and two rookies (Marini and Bastianini), is there a difficulty setting and I haven't seen it?😂 it remains a great game, very fun to play and unique in its kind

Hello, I'm happy you enjoy the game, there is no difficulty setting however  i have actually changed the way riders improve so now rookies will not improve as quickly, this will make it more difficult, I'll be releasing this update soon

Ok, thanks for the fast answer!

wait what how did u win i havent won a single race ever.

He's probably playing a more recent version, rookie riders take longer to develop now

This looks stupid but I have no idea how tyres work in this game, like when to choose soft, med, or hard tyre. Can anyone help me? I always finish dead last every race :(


Hi, it depends on the track temperature, soft tyres offer more grip but wear out faster, hard tyres last longer but not as much grip and medium is in the middle. Also engine map mode affects tyre wear as well as the machine performance, setup progress achieved during practice and also rider ability, you've got to get the best out of everything to get the best result. 

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Ah, thanks! And btw merry christmas c:

when is the new update coming out?

Season 2021 is close to being ready, hopefully before Christmas

the game keeps mising when i exit

I don't understand what you mean?

Hi can you download mgp 2020 somewhere? I only find a link to the 2021 demo.

I have removed Season 2020 as Season2021 is nearing completion

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Ok, I´ll keep waiting :) Really liked the demo.

Glad you liked the demo, wont be long until the 2021 season is ready


Season 2021 is still in development  once next seasons riders are confirmed and a few other things are finished it will be available, no firm date on this yet.

Is the new version working? Just downloaded and used but doesn't seem to have the new screen

Hi, game demo is now available


Really amazing post regarding a session shorting (I mean I love the game and I would play it 24/7 but with other projects ongoing I can't play the whole day sadly...) and replacement or even wildcard riders. These will bring more dynamic into a season, since I (and I bet many other fans too) like MotoGP/Moto2/Moto3 for their often changing starting grid.


Hi, recently played this game a little and find it alot of fun. Just wondering is there any chance you can maybe remove certain practice sessions / skip / speed up, as I feel the weekends can take very long sometimes.

This is something I'll be taking a look at in future updates

Hello! I like the MGP Manager very much and I was really looking forward to the 2020 update. But my question is, can you also make an F1 2020 manager? I would be very happy! Thanks for an answer! Bye!

Hey developer, I have sometimes a freez screen at specally in the seasons. I save befor I start any season but it is a problem in the long test seasons. I use Windows 10.Any solutions?

Hi the only problem thats been encountered with freezing is caused by background programs using resource such as anti virus, maybe try disabling this, let me know if this helps, the game is stable if these aren't running.

Thank you for your fast answer. I use only the Windows defender but I had Windows notifications on and I got massages while I play. Maybe this was the reason for the crashes.

At the moment no more crashes and a lot of fun.

Great news glad you're enjoying the game 

Hello! I'm new to the game and downloaded it to try it out.
But I find myself with a problem,for example when I want to start 
a career I can't move forward when I select the team, I'm stuck!
Can anyone help me?

Hi  this is probably because you're screen resolution is set too low, try a higher setting 

try 1366x760

thanks!! :) problem resolved :)

1st of all amazing game. One suggestion I have so far: When one of the drivers is injured, the team should be able to sign a replacement driver for this period. Stefan Bradl races instead of Marc in real life as well.

Any way of adding an option which allows you to skip straight through to the end of a session without having to guide your riders through?

I have removed the download link for season 2019, season 2020 will be available soone

Cannot find download buton?


when you add Moto2 and Moto3 ?

When I have a lot of spare time as I want to do this but it'll be a lot of work

there is something wrong with my game not every team has 2 riders and is not letting me do the race

Very strange never had this issue  what game version are you playing?


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I can't imagine why this is happening?  

The way the database is configured each team must have 2 riders assigned to it, the only way this could change would be if a savegame file was edited and messed up or some other database change. You could try downloading v2.1, this is compatible with any savegames you have. Can you send me a screenshot of this problem F9 to take.

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Thanks for that what is the name of the rider that is missing?

I also wanted to tell you that it would not be bad if they could put it on the play store or that it could be downloaded for mobile

Hello friends, it would not be bad if you could put a trajectory mode with your avatar, and start from moto 3 or moto 2, thanks for your attention

are you going to add moto 2 and 3?

(sorry for all the questions)

is there any specific date on when the 2020 version is out

No specific date but not long to wait

ok then

also is there going to be a 2020 version

Yes I'm currently updating the databases for this season,  shouldn't be long then it'll be available.

is there any way you can download the game without using winzip

I may be able to upload it uncomoressed I'll check

Game executable available for download with no game documentation, I'll do a separate download for this once updated

Hello, I have a problem when I choose my team I get stuck on the lineup screen. I dont have any buttons to start i looked everywhere.


and one more question, is there possibility that You'd port the game to android?

Yes I'm looking at making the game available on play store

Hi that's a strange problem that I've never encountered, I'll take a look to see what could be causing it and come back to you.

Okay, thank you. I'd really like to play the game.

The blue button has to be there on the lineup screen, if there is no continue button on your team home screen you may need to close a news report by clicking the red x

How about making a editor for the game,for those who wanted to make 500cc seasons?

An editor is something I've considered, but I'd rather do an historic type 500cc era game if there's enough interest in playing it?

But i'd rather have a editor...

Pleasant dark UI. Well if you need an audio guy for a jam then check out my portfolio

Game is finished and ready to download and play, hope you all enjoy playing it as much as I have enjoyed developing it

Hey man,

Just wondering on  quick update of development for the game?

I have played the demo and it seems a very impressive and enjoyable game that I genuinely play for like 6 hours.


Hi thanks for your message, I've only got 2 circuits to complete, then finish game testing and it'll be ready, glad you're enjoying the demo, I am planning on releasing a V2 demo that will have some of the new features I have been adding lately. Thanks for you support during development of this game

Ive been waiting for ageeeeeeees when can we expect the full game to come out?

Hi  thanks for your mesaage, I'm working on the game as much as I can and it will be completed as soon as I can. I guarantee the wait will be worth it, I plan on releasing an updated demo soon for fans to play while I work on the full game, thanks again for supporting this project.


Sorry about that, he is of course in the new game...I'm still working on mgp2019, have you tried the demo? I hope to have it finished fairly soon  once all the tracks are done and I've fine tuned the game, thanks for your support glad you enjoy playing the gsme

hey, I've really been enjoying playing the mgp 2018 although I must say you forgot to include M. Oliveira and as portuguese I will never forgive you! haha

When can the 2019 full version be expected for release?

Looking forward to that, good job!